Forces in Mind Trust’s response to the Civil Service’s guaranteed interview initiative for ex-Service personnel
Responding to the Government’s announcement that veterans will be guaranteed interviews for some public sector jobs, Air Vice-Marshal Ray Lock CBE, Chief Executive at the Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT), says:
- Employment
“The guaranteed interview initiative is a positive step forward to removing disadvantage. Negative stereotypes can prevent ex-Service personnel accessing the same employment opportunities as their civilian counterparts. Studies consistently show that organizations who do employ veterans are highly positive about the extra value they bring. So such misperceptions damage not only the individual, but also UK business.
“With this guaranteed interview initiative, the Civil Service is taking an important and valuable step towards providing equality of access to employment for ex-Service personnel whilst meeting the intent of the UK Armed Forces Covenant. The public sector is setting a good example that all, not just some, within the private sector, could follow.”
In October 2019, the Forces in Mind Trust published a Policy Statement on Employment which can be found here.