News & Policy
FiMT launches new film about the Armed Forces charities sector
- Enabler
New report highlights barriers to accessing housing for ex-Service personnel
- Housing
Request for expressions of interest
- Enabler
Request for expressions of interest
- Criminal Justice
Forces in Mind Trust launches Policy Statement on the Criminal Justice System
- Criminal Justice
Families of veterans with problem substance use are unlikely to be offered help, according to new research
- Health
- Relationships
FiMT awards £500,000 to the ADVANCE Study to explore military to civilian transition experiences of combat veterans
- Health
New research finds that more than two thirds of serving or ex-Service personnel with a current or prior alcohol problem are not seeking help
- Health
Forces in Mind Trust awards grant to examine the lived experiences of veterans living in Scotland
- Enabler
New research assesses the mental health and treatment needs of veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan
- Health