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Outcome area


All ex-Service personnel and their spouses achieve successful employment outcomes.

We fund projects to improve:

  • Understanding of civilian workplace and job markets
  • Levels of skills and qualifications
  • Awareness of civilian life and life skills to transition
  • Personal and family preparation for transition
  • Preparation by spouses and supporting partners
  • Knowledge of skills competencies and potential of service leavers
  • Understanding of Armed Forces employment and culture
  • Understanding of employment barriers and transition hurdles

We do this to ensure that:

  • Ex-Service personnel acquire recognised professional skills and qualifications
  • Ex-Service personnel acquire the ‘soft’ skills to apply for and succeed in civilian enployment
  • Ex-Service personnel develop ‘resilience’ and knowledge to succeed in civilian life
  • Spouses are able to achieve their employment and training aspirations
  • Those with additional needs attract appropriate support
  • Employers acquire a positive perspective and knowledge of veterans worth.
  • Employers can access the ‘veteran’ workforce

Read our full Policy Statement

Further information