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Outcome area


All Veterans and their families enjoy a state of positive physical and mental health and wellbeing, enabling them to contribute to and benefit from wider society.

We fund projects to improve:

  • Understanding of veterans’ health needs and clinical priorities
  • Faster ‘triage’ of veteran health and wellbeing issues
  • Awareness of veteran health and wellbeing support pathways
  • Recognition of veterans at the point of presentation
  • Understanding of veterans’ mental health
  • Understanding of common addictions in the ex-Service community
  • Quality of life support in relation to conditions attributable to service in the Armed Forces
  • Health and wellbeing understanding and support for families
  • ‘Intelligent’ network of health and wellbeing provision for veterans and families

We do this to ensure that:

  • Ex Service personnel receive appropriate mental health care that recognises factors attendant to service in the Armed Forces.
  • There exists an appropriately resourced and easily accessible mental health research programme to build organisations’ capacity to deliver evidence-based prevention and rehabilitation.
  • Ex Service personnel are able to access appropriate (veteran aware) physical care with treatment and support to the optimum standard available.
  • A health and social care network exists that meets veterans and families needs, particularly on addictive behaviours, domestic violence, abuse, resilience, loneliness & isolation.
  • A consistent and high level provision of care and support is available, in-service to post-service, especially in relation to long term conditions attributable to service.
  • There is appropriate compensation and quality of life support whenever applicable.

Read our full policy statement

Further information